

EURO-LATAM Legal Alliance

ELLA was created to cover a market demand for specialised legal services in one of the most important commercial markets with higher growth and greater dynamism worldwide: the European Community and Latin America.

The vast experience and in-depth knowledge that each ELLA member company has of local markets, coupled with their global vision, enable Alliance clients to develop trade -faster and more meaningfully- in both regions. This has been possible because they can rely on an advisory team that provides support throughout the entire process -from internalisation to business start-up- both in their country of origin and destination.

The guiding framework and profile that all ELLA members share deliver a customer experience based on trust and peace of mind in terms of stringent compliance with the legislation of both the country of origin and destination. This, in turn, guarantees robust, profitable and sustainable business development.

VERDEGAY Abogados has strong partnership and synergy with prestigious international and national companies that enable us to deliver comprehensive services to our clients. These companies have in common strict quality and service standards. And to this we can add, our guiding principles of ethical practice.

is a founding partner of the International Alliance: EURO-LATAM Legal Alliance,
which comprises various law
firms and law boutiques who are leaders and benchmarks in their countries of origin, and share a vision of law, customer service, ethical standards, quality and professionalism.

ABOUT US ----------

VERDEGAY ABOGADOS is a professional law firm, based in Madrid, with over three decades of experience, who have acquired considerable renown and reputation in various fields, including Urban Planning, Real Estate, Civil, Criminal, Mortgage and Property Registration, Administrative, Commercial and Sports Law.

 CONTACT ----------

 Address : Paseo de Eduardo Dato 23 

                    28010 Madrid

Tel: + 34 91 446 80 00






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